Name: Jonquil
Race: Unseelie Rabbit Pooka
General information:
Note: Some of the following might not be completely true.
- Jonquil was a member of the Scooter Pooka motley until he lost not only his scooter but also the rest of the pooka.
- He currently stays at the freehold and does some gardening there when he's not trying to prank the Baron. He may, or may not have been responsible for telling the Baron that the Wizards are trying to stop the evil Lord Voldemort who is in charge of the sparkle cult and only a plucky young orphan boy can help them. He did not mastermind the plan to steal the Baron's horses, nor has he ever pilfered any of the Baron's tea things.
- Jonquil likes gardening. He doesn't just have one green thumb, he has ten of them which he cuts off of people that annoy him and keeps in a jar. He styles himself as a ninja-gardener and often sneaks around places he shouldn't be in order to plant things.
- Jonquil also likes cooking. This is an elaborate ploy though to hide the fact that all his food contains poisons derived from the plants he grows. Never has death tasted so deliciously chocolatey.
- When not poisoning people he can sometimes be found in the Zoo Cafe, offering advice to the chefs there on how to make weird things no one would want to eat.
- Jonquil does not lay eggs at easter time especially not chocolate ones. HE DOESN'T! No matter what Niran claims he doesn't! Instead he goes out with a gun and starts shooting easter bunnies and anyone who even suggests that he is one.