I'm a bit fuzzy on how two mages ended up with a chimera… this seems a bit strange. It's my understanding that Dreaming stuff is rather difficult to interact with unless Enchanted or by using conjunctional spirit/mind effects. If this is something that can be done, do let me know how as I'm not sure how you'd pull it off.
We really should replace the quote here on the welcome page with something a big more indicative… something about what this is and why it is here.
On Jeremy's page you have the sub-tradition as a tag… It should probably be omitted from the tags list as it isn't really meaningful untill we have at least two 'Laksmists' running around so people could grap a lit of all of them… (which is why there is the seelie/unseelie thing is there for instance.)
You know, I was originally going to call it 'Pstuff' but then…
Ahhhh. See, nobody tells me these things….
The Giovanni-killing is part of the Erzabet & Family plot.
Worked perfectly! I'm done with the initial uploading. Some of the deeper trees got really really long!
There may be some re-organization needed but the information is now there.
Possibly done. Let me know if it doesn't work.
It would help if I could rename and move some stuff around as I convert the news files into the policy section, so could you put me as an admin or moderator with those privileges, at least until I can get that done?
Many thanks, either way.
Go for it! We can even add a forth top-level 'P' — Policy. ;)
If posible, could we dupicate some of the policy documents here? I could do that, but I can only be so presumptuous. — Gabriel
Since I'm forgetful, having consolidated information on running plots would be really nice and far faster than searching through the BB posts.
Sure, we can do character pages. And locations. Let me poke around a little…
That seems a pretty simple place to start. There are probably some great templates out there that we could use.
And location pages would be good too.